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I believe that metaphor is the carrier of deep truths about the self, and the door to meaning and growth. As a therapist, I listen for metaphor in verbal and non-verbal interactions with clients. I was trained in Expressive Therapy and also use a developmental approach. I am also fully trained in EMDR. I base all of my work with children, teens, families, and adults in a grounding in normal development, taking into account developmental stages as I look at issues and problems presented. Helping clients identify and clarify their own belief or value systems is an important skill.
I work in verbal and non-verbal modalities, sometimes using arts modalities. I am a Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor use sand tray therapy as well as other modalities. I work with people with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ID, survivors of trauma, LGBT clients, children, adolescents, young adults, college students, and families.
I am honored to work with men on issues of identity, role, orientation, relationship and fathering. Working with parents and families is another passion.I am an ordained clergy person in The Episcopal Church with training as an Interfaith Chaplain and welcome client's personal belief structures in my work.

Currently Offering:
Individual Treatment: Waitlist
Play Therapy: Waitlist
Play Therapy Supervision and Training